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How to end self-doubt for good!

For a lot of people, life is actually rather simple. You go to work, you come home to your family, you engage in your weekend activities with friends and neighbours, or your parents or your relatives who come to visit. You raise your children, send them off to school, then university, and then watch them grow into young adults to soon get married and have children of their own. And then, the whole cycle starts over. It definitely sounds like the proverbial hamster on a wheel scenario and while that might sound cynical, I must admit having such a positive support system around you (your "tribe" so to speak) is crucial to your mental well-being as well as that of those around you. When such a well-oiled system is in place, the people involved couldn't care less about the negativity that's happening "elsewhere' in the world. People go on with their lives and couldn't give a damn about left-wing or right-wing politics, or what part of the world is currently

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The Higher Standard.

"It takes two to tango" - But one to ruin it.

Do NOT keep it in the family!

Justified Rage

Never allow your past TRAUMA to run your life.

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